

Welcome, I'm Sara at Tried&Twisted!

Growing up in a house with a lifelong subscription to This Old House, with a mother who literally taught arts & crafts, and with a father whose skill in scroll saw has few competitors, perhaps it was only fate for me to one day start this blog documenting my own adventures in crafting and creative exploits.

Now, as a newly married twenty-something, cooking and baking have become an-ever larger portion of my life and I realized that each dish is just another blank canvas with all sorts of colorful and delightful possibilities. Food should not just be about the chore of feeding oneself, but about the joy of creating something new on every plate.

Tried&Twisted will focus on the crafting, cooking, baking, and gardening projects that I attempt in my life. I'll share my own methods and tips or review existing tutorials, adding a rating system for difficulty (listed below) to help you know a little more about the project you're attempting and to help you prepare.

Rating System:
  1. Easy as PB&J! No unusual or special tools required and no previous training or skills needed.
  2. Needle Pulling Thread. Tools may be required, but easy to learn.
  3. Remember Home Ec? Special equipment and basic skill required, but easy to learn.
  4. Power Tools are a Girl's Best Friend! Special equipment and higher-level of skill and experience required.
  5. Marathon Project! Special equipment, skills, and a helping hand needed. Please be careful because these might be dangerous.

Comments are encouraged! I hope this blog will be inviting to a community of creative DIY lovers and foodies who are excited and willing to share their own experiences too. I look forward to hearing from you!

Policy: I would be honored if you use my tutorials for noncommercial purposes or share them on Pinterest, Facebook, or other social media. I only ask that you provide a link back to this site and that you please not remove the copyright symbol from any of my photographs. I'm a private individual, but the photos and content on this blog are my creation so I reserve the rights to them. 
As a reviewer of other tutorials and recipes, I will likewise give credit to specific sources according to their blogger's policy. If a blogger has a problem with being linked to my site, please contact me directly. Thank you! 

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