
May 6, 2013

Myth or Miracle Cleaner: A Series for Spring Cleaning

Myth or Miracle Cleaner? DIY Cleaners | Tried & Twisted

Life doesn't always work out the way you'd like. There are disappointments, broken expectations, dashed dreams.

Much like cleaning products. The infomercial promises amazing results, the before/after images astound, and then you try it on your own house and it doesn't quite work out like that.

It's disappointing experiences like this that cause trust issues.

Being a skeptic has made me curious about the all-natural, money-saving, DIY home cleaning methods which circulate on blogs and Pinterest like a good meme. They promise a simple process of mixing together a few common items from your cupboard to create an instant clean!

Do they work? Are they better or more convenient than store-bought cleaners? Can you actually save money in the process?

This month's series is all about DIY cleaning methods. Not a glamorous series -- certainly not as appetizing as macarons or as pretty as a craft. But part of the purpose of my Tried&Twisted blog is to test out new projects and to share if they are worth your time and effort.

So in preparation for Spring cleaning, allow me to test out these "great" ideas for you so you can save your own time, money, and a little elbow grease.

Check in with me every Friday this month as I put a new DIY cleaning project to the test.
You may have noticed that I listed a mystery post. Here's your chance to get involved -- tell me what DIY cleaner you've seen on blogs or Pinterest that you'd like to see tested out. I'll pick a tutorial from your suggestions for the end of the month.

Update: The winner for Mystery Topic is Bath Scrub!

See you on Friday!


  1. Such a great idea! Can't wait to read more about this!
    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

    1. Thanks Jenna! I'll keep this post updated with links to each homemade cleaner review.

  2. Fantastic tip!
    Jillian -

  3. I found a mix for a shower scrub (via Martha Stewart) that is baking soda, a squirt of liquid dish soap, and 10 drops of essential oil (optional - but recommended, I used clove bud) - I will never buy cleaners for the tub again....we have hard, deposit-leaving water up here, and this does the trick, and on the soap residue, too. GREAT POST - I'll be checking back!!

    1. Thanks for the tip, Kim! I tested out a vinegar/dish soap shower scrub, which worked well, but I'm curious if this would work better.

  4. Ooooh! Fun!!!
    I think the reason I have trust issues is because sometimes oatmeal raisin cookies look like chocolate chip ones.
    I wish that was an original thought...
    Looking forward to reading your experiences!

    1. Few things in life are more disappointing than being promised chocolate and getting raisins instead! So sad... Thanks for stopping by, Jacki!

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  6. Mix 5T baking soda, couple drops of Dawn, 4T vinegar make into paste. Clean your stovetop with it. Absolutely amazing. Trying on some other stuff too.
